Current & Upcoming Events
Don't miss South County Museum Director Rebecca Kelly's illustrated lecture, For the Love of Fashion: Sentimental Clothing Through the Ages.
The lecture will take place at the Ocean House in Watch Hill, February 1st, 3:30pm-5pm.
Click below for more information and to reserve a spot.
A portion of all proceeds directly benefits South County Museum.
Save the date! We are very excited to be participating in this winter lecture series at the Maury Loontjens Memorial Library
On Pettaquamscutt talks are presented at the Maury Loontjens Memorial Library in Narragansett, 25 Pier Marketplace, Narragansett, starting at 1:00 p.m.
January 26: Kate Venturini Hardesty, Program Administrator and Extension Educator at the University of Rhode Island, “Landscape Care with Climate Change Resilience in Mind,” sponsored by Friends of Canonchet Farm
February 23: Rebecca Kelly, Deputy Director and Curator at the South County Museum, “Mending Matters, Historical Perspectives on Textiles and the Environment,” sponsored by South County Museum
March 30: Dr. Blaine Hymel, Veterinarian at the Wildlife Clinic of Rhode Island, “Environmental Toxin Exposure in Rhode Island Wildlife: A Veterinary Perspective,” sponsored by Narrow River Preservation Association
On Pettaquamscutt is a collaboration between the Friends of Canonchet Farm, Narrow River Preservation Association, South County Museum, and the Maury Loontjens Memorial Library. All talks are free and open to the public. Participants can register here or at the calendar page of the library website to reserve a seat. Registration will open at the beginning of the month for each presentation. For more information, browse or call (401) 783-5344.