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Visit & Explore

Come visit the South County Museum, where Rhode Island’s coastal legacy has been celebrated since 1933. Here you can explore a rich heritage of the local rural and coastal life. Our beautiful eight-acre campus is located on a 174-acre town park that was once the 19th-century estate of Rhode Island’s Civil War-era governor and postwar senator, William Sprague IV.


Visting hours are now closed for the 2024 season. 


We will reopen for the 2025 season on May 17th.


Keep an eye on our events page for special winter event openings.


Contact us to book group tours and field trips or ask about scheduling tours outside of our regular operating hours. 



Adults - $12.00

Seniors - $10.00

Students - $10.00

Children (Over the age of six) -  $5.00

Members - Free Admission 


Explore history in the Metz Exhibition Hall, carriage barn and carpentry shop. Watch artisans at work in the blacksmith shop, print shop, or carpentry barn. Wander through the Canonchet Estate’s stable ruins, visit our Rhode Island Red heritage flock and our other farm animals. Our grounds feature heirloom flower and herb gardens, and they are bounded by woods, meadows, and salt marshes accessible on marked walking trails.

Suggested Routes

From the North

Take Route 95 South to Route 4 South. This turns into Route 1 South. Stay on Route 1.


Look for the Narragansett, South County Museum sign, and take that exit. At the end of the ramp at the light, turn left. 


Go into the rotary and follow the signs towards Narragansett. You will go by Sprague Park on the left.


Look for the Native American Sculpture and turn left by the adjacent light.


Go through the stone entrance into a new development, then bear left on Strathmore Way and follow the signs to the Museum entrance. 

From the South

Take Route 95 North to Exit 92, Stonington. Follow Route 2 to Route 78 East. Get on Route 78 and take it to Route 1 North. Turn left onto Route 1.


Follow Route 1 North to the Point Judith/Block Island exit. Go through the first light. At the next light at the intersection, turn left, and bear left to go to the rotary.


Bear right at the rotary. Follow the signs to Narragansett to the first traffic light. Turn left onto Strathmore Street at the light, next to the Native American sculpture. 


​Go through the stone entrance into a new development, then bear left on Strathmore Way and follow the signs to the Museum entrance. 

Note: if you are coming from the North on Route 1A, Anne Hoxsie no longer goes through to the Museum. Continue to the next right. 


Group Tours:

Cost: $10/person– chaperones, organizers, bus drivers are free

Time: up to 90 minutes

Seniors and other adult groups of 12 or more, whether organized by a group of friends or an organization, are encouraged to visit SCM together. Senior and adult groups will be provided one or more tour guides, depending on group size, for the duration of their visit. The guide(s) will help bring to life the variety and depth of the museum’s campus and collections. Organizers are encouraged to discuss the group's interests and needs during the booking process so that the guides can plan which aspects of the museum to highlight during the tour and decide whether any specific accommodations are needed. There are many areas in which to sit and rest during the tour, and guides will move at the pace of the group.


Email to plan your tour.


Accessibility & Special Services

South County Museum has ample parking and can accommodate multiple buses. Handicap access vans/buses can pull up to the ramp of our main exhibit hall to discharge visitors if desired.

Bathroom facilities are available in the Administration Building and the Metz Exhibit Hall.

The Metz Exhibit Hall and Print Shop are wheelchair-accessible. The other buildings have step-up access. South County Museum has one wheelchair available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

A baby-changing station is available in one of the Metz’s unisex bathrooms.

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